Climbing Patio Rose Susie

Price £ 16.99

Short description

Susie Climbing Patio Rose has masses of fragrant golden-apricot blooms with red outer petals throughout summer. Attractive glossy foliage. As a miniature climber, it is ideal to give height at the back of a border on an obelisk or on arches, pillars and pergolas.

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Groves Nurseries & Garden Centre
Little Groves

Climbing Patio Rose Susie

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Price £ 16.99

Short description

Susie Climbing Patio Rose has masses of fragrant golden-apricot blooms with red outer petals throughout summer. Attractive glossy foliage. As a miniature climber, it is ideal to give height at the back of a border on an obelisk or on arches, pillars and pergolas.

  • Quantity
Groves Nurseries & Garden Centre
Little Groves
Climbing Patio Rose Susie
Climbing Patio Rose Susie
Price £ 16.99
  • Position - Full sun
  • Soil - Prefers well-drained humus rich soil
  • Flower Colour - Golden Apricot
  • Fragrance - Excellent
  • Flowers - June - October
  • Repeat Flowering - Yes
  • Hardiness - Fully hardy
  • Eventual size -  H 1.8m (6ft)  W 1.2m (4ft)
  • Disease Resistance - Good
  • Pot Size when Purchased - 3ltr

Susie Climbing Patio Rose has masses of fragrant golden-apricot blooms with red outer petals throughout summer. Attractive glossy foliage. As a miniature climber, it is ideal to give height at the back of a border on an obelisk or on arches, pillars and pergolas.

  • Ideal for cottage and informal gardens
  • Ideal for walls and fences
  • Ideal for city and courtyard gardens
  • Ideal for cut flowers
  • Ideal for pillars, arches, pergolas.

Roses are easy to look after. They like to grow in a humus-rich, moist but well-drained soil of any type and prefer full sun. Please note roses sent November - March will be sent as recently potted plants that have been pruned hard back (roots and shoots)




  • Water the rose thoroughly while it’s still in its pot or dunk a bare root one in a bucket of water for 20-30 minutes
  • Pick your spot in the garden and make sure it’s clear of weeds
  • Dig a hole that will take the roses root mass easily
  • Use a fork to loosen the soil at the base of the hole so roots can grow away easily
  • Add manure to the hole if you can get it or Camelot Horse Manure compost
  • Sprinkle Rootgrow in the hole as per the manufacturer’s instructions, this aids root development and leads to a healthier plant
  • Position your rose in the hole so that it’s just slightly lower than the surrounding ground surface
  • Backfill with the soil taken out to dig the hole
  • Firm in by gently standing on the soil to ensure the rose is secure and that there are no air pockets.
  • Water well.




  • Any new rose needs to be watered well until it is established, probably the first two years. Once established you will need to water still to promote a healthy plant that will flower over a long period. The amount depends on rainfall and heat. Once a week should be sufficient but if flowers wilt in extreme heat then they need a good soaking at the roots more frequently.
  • Pay special attention to climbers planted against a wall, roses in pots or in sandy soil with both watering and feeding.
  • Feed your roses twice a year, with After Plant Rose Food once in March/April at the start of the growing season and then again in late July after the first blooms to encourage stronger repeat flowering.
  • Mulch with bark chippings in early spring to suppress weeds and increase water retention
  • Spray to control pests and disease with RoseClear
  • Deadhead throughout the growing season to encourage repeat flowering and keep the rose in good shape.


  • SKU
  • Colour
  • Plant Type
    Climbing Rose

You can find Climbing Patio Rose Susie online at Groves Nurseries or visit our garden centre in Bridport, Dorset. We're conveniently located in Bridport near Dorchester, Weymouth, and Yeovil in Dorset. You can buy Climbing Patio Rose Susie online or visit our garden centre.