Garden Trellis Filter Close Filters In stock Only show items in stock (21) Brand Zest 4 Leisure (27) Clear selection £ - Clear selection 1 - 27 of 27 productsItems per page1530456075Sort byName ascendingName descendingPrice ascendingPrice descendingOffersPopularity Zest 110mm Square Trellis 1.8m x 0.3m £ 10.99Add to wishlistViewNotify me Zest 110mm Square Trellis 1.8m x 0.6m £ 16.99Add to wishlistViewNotify me Zest 110mm Square Trellis 1.8m x 0.9m £ 23.49Add to wishlistViewAdd to your basket1 unit in stock Zest 110mm Square Trellis 1.8m x 1.2m £ 28.99Add to wishlistViewNotify me Zest 110mm Square Trellis 1.8m x 1.5m £ 37.99Add to wishlistViewAdd to your basket9 units in stock Zest 110mm Square Trellis 1.8m x 1.8m £ 43.49Add to wishlistViewAdd to your basket7 units in stock Zest County Square Trellis 1.8m x 0.3m £ 15.49Add to wishlistViewAdd to your basket12 units in stock Zest County Square Trellis 1.8m x 0.6m £ 25.99Add to wishlistViewAdd to your basket5 units in stock Zest County Square Trellis 1.8m x 0.9m £ 36.99Add to wishlistViewAdd to your basket32 units in stock Zest County Square Trellis 1.8m x 1.2m £ 42.99Add to wishlistViewAdd to your basket4 units in stock Zest County Square Trellis 1.8m x 1.5m £ 51.99Add to wishlistViewAdd to your basket2 units in stock Zest County Square Trellis 1.8m x 1.8m £ 59.49Add to wishlistViewAdd to your basket3 units in stock Zest Fan Trellis 0.43m x 0.91m £ 8.99Add to wishlistViewAdd to your basket1 unit in stock Zest Fan Trellis 0.53m x 1.22m £ 10.49Add to wishlistViewAdd to your basket10 units in stock Zest Fan Trellis 0.53m x 1.52m £ 11.99Add to wishlistViewNotify me Zest Fan Trellis 0.63m x 1.83m £ 14.99Add to wishlistViewAdd to your basket6 units in stock Zest Hillside Concave Trellis Top £ 29.99Add to wishlistViewAdd to your basket2 units in stock Zest Hillside Convex Trellis Top £ 49.99Add to wishlistViewAdd to your basket1 unit in stock Zest Hillside Diamond Fan Trellis 1.83m x 0.6m £ 40.99Add to wishlistViewAdd to your basket2 units in stock Zest Hillside Diamond Fan Trellis 1.83m x 0.8m £ 46.99Add to wishlistViewNotify me Zest Hillside Diamond Trellis 1.83m x 0.3m £ 20.99Add to wishlistViewNotify me Zest Hillside Diamond Trellis 1.83m x 0.6m £ 31.99Add to wishlistViewAdd to your basket4 units in stock Zest Hillside Diamond Trellis 1.83m x 0.9m £ 45.99Add to wishlistViewAdd to your basket5 units in stock Zest Hillside Diamond Trellis 1.83m x 1.2m £ 61.99Add to wishlistViewAdd to your basket1 unit in stock Zest Hillside Diamond Trellis 1.83m x 1.5m £ 87.99Add to wishlistViewAdd to your basket1 unit in stock Zest Hillside Diamond Trellis 1.83m x 1.8m £ 99.99Add to wishlistViewAdd to your basket2 units in stock Zest Hillside Omega Trellis Top £ 54.99Add to wishlistViewAdd to your basket1 unit in stock