Planting a tree for the Queen's Jubilee
Everyone loves trees, so if you are thinking of planting one, why not do it for the Queen's Jubilee?
Here at Groves Nurseries and Garden Centre we have an absolutely fantastic selection of ornamental and fruit trees, including rare and unusual varieties.
How about something topical:
Betula ‘Snow Queen’
A beautiful white stemmed Himalayan Birch.
Pyrus salicifolia pendula
The weeping silver pear, with bright silver almost platinum leaves .
Or on a similar theme:
Prunus Kanzan ‘Royal Burgundy’
An upright tree with rich burgundy leaves and contrasting pink blossom, with the added bonus of the leaves turning scarlet red in Autumn.
Acer Drummondii
This Norway maple has a creamy edge to the green leaf.
If you want to go the whole hog, why not plant a small orchard, this need not just be Apples. We have Cherries, Plums, and Pears, alternatively create your own Nuttery using our range of Cobnuts, Hazel nuts, Walnuts and Chestnuts.
So, as you can see the list is endless. There are trees for small gardens, trees for exposed areas, wet soils and so on, in fact you name it we will probably have a tree to fit your requirements. We even have trees to celebrate a marriage, Prunus The Bride.
Visit us in store to look round our full range, our Plants team will help you make your final selection and give advice on what will best suit your garden.
Once planted in your garden you will always remember the day of the Queens Platinum Jubilee.
Go on celebrate the Queens Jubilee and plant a tree.
Steve Ward, Head Plantsman at Groves Nurseries