Easter Opening

Easter Opening

Easter Opening

It looks like there is some lovely spring weather forecast for this week and into the Easter weekend.  A long weekend is perfect for catching up with all those little jobs that need doing in the garden.

We are open most of the Easter weekend, but we will be closed on Easter Sunday so please don't get caught out!

Opening Times

Big Groves & Little Groves

Good Friday 9am until 5pm
Easter Saturday 8am until 5pm
Easter Sunday  Closed
Easter Monday  9am until 5pm

Ivy House

Good Friday 9am until 4:30pm
Easter Saturday 8am until 4:30pm
Easter Sunday  Closed
Easter Monday  9am until 4:30pm


So whether you fancy getting stuck into the garden, or catching up with friends or family in our stunning restaurant, a trip to Groves Nurseries this Easter is sure to make your weekend complete.

Many climbers can be great for wildlife encouraging insects for birds and bats to eat plus resting and nesting spaces as well. Whichever climber you choose, it is sure to add interest and delight to your garden. Here's our top 5!


The only way is up! Vertical gardening is ideal for balconies, making use of walls, upright supports and cleverly designed planters to turn even the smallest space into a little green piece of paradise.
